Just in case you are new to this blog site, let me tell you a little about myself.
As the title suggests I am a food photographer, based in southern Spain in the wonderful province of Almeria, from where I produce an online food magazine, Comida de Almeria. With a background in marketing sales and customer service and direct hands-on experience in the food industry previously, I also undertake other food photography, and food related marketing projects. Ever since 1981 when I was seconded to the Far East with my corporate job, I have been hooked on the expat life and living abroad. I adore learning about the new cultures and find it fascinating to experience all that travel has to offer. I particularly love Asia and frankly haven't yet seen enough of it to ever be bored....I am sure there will be more opportunities to explore other parts, hopefully soon.
I have also been fortunate enough to have lived in the Middle East and travelled North African countries with corporate work. Again a fascinating time of learning and exploring with an appetite for more.
I have also been fortunate enough to have lived in the Middle East and travelled North African countries with corporate work. Again a fascinating time of learning and exploring with an appetite for more.
Of course Europe too has its high spots for travel and after a year in France I decided to settle, at least for now, in southern Spain, and make this temperate corner of Europe my base, from where I can engage in my international photography assignments.