My Business Manager tells me that it is time to do something with my website at The Image Suite. Of course, she is absolutely right in her observations, (I have been putting it off for far too long). I have, therefore, taken it upon myself to 'make some changes.'
Firstly, I've created a much needed Food Photography Blog (here), and I promise to try and keep it regularly up-dated. Secondly, I have changed the images, and those shown at The Image Suite are some of my more recent work. You can also see many of these if you log-on to my food magazine, Comida de Almeria.
What I can tell you is that I'm currently engaged in a number of food related projects, details of which will emerge as the contracts get signed-off, and/or shoots commence and/or as new publications come on stream.
Whatever your interest in food, it would be great if you could tell your friends about Comida de Almeria food magazine and sign-up for the quarterly newsletter on the Comida de Almeria website, and of course about this new blog, Food Photographer in Spain.
Finally, for those social media savvy visitors to this site, you can also follow my food photography exploits on FACEBOOK.
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